Sunday, July 31, 2011

no configuration file found and no installation code available. exiting...

Yesterday i was installing joomla here. First i pasted the joomla installation files on server & extracted that folder. I have already created database cause i know at the time of installation it asks for the database details. After that i opened the url in a browser for further procedure. After all installation removed installation file. When i try to see the joomla site, saw this error message " no configuration file found and no installation code available. exiting..." but there was a configuration file & installation folder which i had deleted. I opened cofig file & check the database details into the file. Database details entered, during installtion procedure were not updated into cofig file(permission 644) thats why it was showing error. Finally i corrected file with database details & it worked. A simple way you can rename the file configuration.php-dist to configuration.php. A browser tab was opened with the search list of this error, after finishing my work i try to search for the solution where i could not get easy & exact answer even on joomla forum also. So i have posted regarding this. Hope this helps somebody..

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why Joomla Override?

When i was working at Diligent Tech, i used to hack extensions files directly, might be my seniors did not about know the term 'Override' or they haven't informed me. When i joined Tekdi Web Solution, I come to know disadvantages of hacking core files. Override is the great solution for hacking core files. So I'm just posting about why override instead of hacking files.
When you want to upgrade Joomla component or module installed on your site. You uninstall it & install that component or module with latest version or you can directly install the upgraded version. This means that the changes you made in core files of the component or module will be lost if you don't have a back-up. It's also more difficult to keep track of the files that you have customized. With the override functionality you can place your customized files in a template folder which is of course outside of the component or module to keep all your customization in one place and safe from upgrade losses. So that your colleagues will get in which files you have made change.
But one more thing you should check the file differences when there is an upgrade, because there might be bug fixes in your modified files, but now you can easily keep track of which files to check. Instead i write about how to override joomla core files please check this link!_core.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

JReview - How to unpublish the listing according to the end date

I am working on one of the site 2Lush Cru, a Joomla based site from last month. JReviews componet is used to show the liting of wines & there is a field 'offer end date'. Depend on the 'offer end date', listing should be closed automatically. Its not JReviews's built in functionality. The problem is Jreview store some data of listing as an article(content table). There is field for article end date(publish_down) in Joomla, so i wanted to store offer end date of JReviews in a article(content) table so that it closes according to the close date.
Initially i thought, view is already overidden, after written some query's it will work. Invested 3-4 hrs. but it didn't worked. Finally got a solution, oerride a JReviews listings controller(listings_controllers.php) where it stores data. I was not aware how to override JReviews controller, This page came to help me.
In listings_controller.php on line no 1343 pasted this code
$this->data['Listing']['publish_up'] = $this->data['Field']['Listing']['jr_opstartdate'];
$this->data['Listing']['publish_down'] = $this->data['Field']['Listing']['jr_openddate'];
Remember jr_opstartdate & jr_openddate parameters will be changed acccordingly the names you have set for the field(joomla admin site, field manager).