Monday, December 3, 2012

Importing all fields using Zoo CSV Importer

I don't know why Zoo skips radio, dropdown fields when it comes to CSV importer/Exporter.
We have used Zoo in our one of the project where we wanted to import records having almost everything from text to radio n dropdown even Related Items Pro fields as well. Lets check how to allow zoo to import Radio, Dropdown first. You should read this blog only if you want to hack some zoo files. You can't override these files.
You have to hack just two files which are as follows

Step 1 : Show all fields in dropdown of fields.
Go to Your Site/administrator/components/com_zoo/views/configuration/tmpl/importcsv.php
Add following the code jQuery snippet.

   var type = $(this).val();
    type : 'POST',
                url: 'index.php?option=com_import&task=get_cdts_fields&type='+type, 
                dataType : 'json',
                cache : 'false',
                success: function(data)
           $(".assign").append('<optgroup label="'+type+'" id="extra_fields">');
           for (i=0;i<data.length;i++)
             var newarray = data[i].split(",");
             $(".assign").append(new Option(newarray[0], newarray[1])); 

Now paste the following function into your custom components controller as it is.
function get_cdts_fields()
 $config_type = JRequest::getVar('type');
 $file = file_get_contents(JPATH_SITE.DS.'media/zoo/applications/blog/types/'.$config_type.'.config');
 $decode = json_decode($file,true);
 $Pro_Fields = array();
 foreach($decode['elements'] as $k=>$ele)
  if($ele['type'] == "select" || $ele['type'] == "imagepro" || $ele['type'] == "relateditemspro" || $ele['type'] =="radio")
   $Pro_Fields[$i] = $ele['name'].','.$k;
 echo json_encode($Pro_Fields); 


You can see all fields under selected type option group only if you done step first correctly.
Atlast you can see all fields as option in dropdown. So that you can map fields easily.
Step - II Tell zoo to bind all fields like radio, select etc
Open Your Site/administrator/components/com_zoo/helpers/import.php file & add following cases besides other cases in importCSV function. Make sure you have copy of original file.

case 'select':
case 'radio':
   $ele = array('option'=>array('0' => $data[$column]));

//For Image Pro you can add following case if your using imagepro field

case 'imagepro':
$element_data = array();
$images = explode('|',$data[$column]); // We have used Pipe(|) to separate images from one another.
$i = 0;
foreach($images as $img)
 $img_ele[] = array('file'=>$img, 
      'title' => '', 
      'file2' => '',
      'spotlight_effect' => '', 
      'caption' => ''

We have imported Related Pro fields as well but its completely hard-coded & client requirement dependent.