Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sobi2 Tabbing css n some problems

Installed sobi2 Joomla component on your site..? Then you should use sobi2 tabs on the Details View of your directory at least. Well its very easy if you find this page.
Just go through the above page you will get it. Its easy. Find the sobi2.details.tmpl.php from correct folder(depends on selected template) & add tabbing code in this file according to your requirement.
I guess definitely you want to customize this default tabbing style to suit your site.
To change css go to com_sobi2/includes/tab.webfx.css & make as you want. check this css file for reference.
If everything is fine then don't read this. If your page is going up-down when you click on the tabs you have created then go to com_sobi2/includes/js/tabpane.js & comment line no. 209 which contain a.href = "#"; Don't worry it won't affect anywhere so make this change without hesitation.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Jomsocial creating a new group - pre-select the proper category

When we create a new group in Jomsocial, we have to select category from drop-down. Jomsocial shows the list of categories you have created from back-end in accending order of category names. What if you want to change a default value, don't look at administrator site there is no option. So for that you need to just override groups.forms.php file from template folder & add this code at the end. The value will be changed according to what should set as a default value from the options(just inspect element n find value).
joms.jQuery("#categoryid option[value='1']").attr("selected", "selected");
e.g if have Automotive, Business, General, Internet, Music as categories Jomsocial displays Automative now it shows General as default. That is what i wanted.
When creating a new group, it should pre-select the proper category.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Powered by Sigsiu.NET remove

Have Joomla website & used sobi2 component...? Then definitely you must be wondering to remove the line 'Powered by Sigsiu.NET'. When my TL told to remove this line, first i googled & looked at sobi2 forum but i didn't get anywhere. I thought its not big problem let us try.
I got the solution. You want it then say thanks to sobi2 component developers then n then you can see following lines.
To remove Powered by Sigsiu.NET.
Just open frontend.class.php file in com_sobi2
find getFooter funtion & replace return $this->sobi2Footer; to return; .
that's it.