Friday, December 31, 2010

Image Map

My one of the fresher designer colleagues wanted two different links for same image but on different region of same image. Image mapping helped me a lot as compared to other ways. You can specify area like circle, rectangle with coords. If you use dreamviewer then it is very easy to use mapping otherwise you bored from adjusting coords in other tools.

Friday, December 24, 2010


Y'day i was reading wordpress book, Some lines from book made me laugh . Google bought the blogger service from Pyra Labs in 2004. Actual word from book are "Blogging started becoming popular when among others, Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan from Pyra Labs created their blog publishing tool Blogger. Using this site anyone can start blogging within minutes. The whole system was free and very attractive. Surprisingly, Google bought the whole service in 2004. Blogger is still a free blog-publishing tool, but under the banner of Google."

NCE Project - beginning of worst journey

Getting boared from office work. The project really i want to work on(Healing Arts) left & starts working on new but very boaring project NCE. No one is there in office who helping me without ruplai mam. Sometimes i think let take a long leave & join company afetr completing this project. But work is work, thats why i want to complete this project as much as possible.
This site

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I want to display a photo gallary on web page for that i was looking for something which makes coding easy & my search end at LightBox.
LightBox is One of the javascript library which deals with images. It looks very good. It saves the space on web page & faster as compared to traditional way. It is also very easy to use just we have to include some javascript library & a css file & thats it. When you want to deal with images on web then i think you must think of Lightbox. There are many types of it check which one is suitable for you.

You can see what exactly LightBox is Here.

Here is sample code...
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/lightbox.js"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/lightbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />


<a href="images/image-1.jpg" rel="lightbox" title="My Pics"><img src="images/image-1.jpg"width="100" height="100"></a>

<a href="amol1.jpg" rel="lightbox[g]" title="Amol1"><img src="amol1.jpg" width="100" height="100"/> </a>
<a href="amol2.jpg" rel="lightbox[g]" ></a>
<a href="amol3.jpg" rel="lightbox[g]" ></a>


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Instead of writing one of the 3 kinds of doctype in html4. In html 5 there is only one type.
It is very easy to write. It must comes before tag.

<video> & <audio>
For showing video & audio they have introduced these tags but according to me if there is <embed> tag then why new? or if it has any problem then why didnt they repaire it.
Hey there might be some technical logic that at this level i dont know.

Most welcome tag canvas. with the help of this tag we can draw & fill color to lines, circle, rectangle & more.

In html5 i totally impressed with these input types. It saves a lot of conding like to check whethere user enter correct email id we have to use regular expression. But in html5 no need to do this because it automatically checks for correct input. To use these tags we have to wait until most browser support 100%. but i think chrome has very good supports of for HTML5.
Some of the tags are
date pickers

Form Attributes
HTML5 introduces some new attributes for autocomplete, autofocus, min max step, required & more. But no browser support for these attributes.

When most of the browser fully support for HTML5....

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Ajax is powerful tool for making your web application faster more userfriendly. Javascript cannot communicate with server but Ajax makes it possible. Javascript can communicate with web server using XMLHttpRequest object. With the help of this we can pass request to the server in background. Because of this user gets faster response from server & need not reload whole page. 
Ajax is technique of changing the part of web page without reloading the whole page. We can request text, XML, php, aspx, html or any file from the server.
Disadvantages of Ajax
* Ajax based web pages cannot be indexed by search engines because search engine neglects code written in javascript.
* Bookmarking not works with Ajax based web pages. You can bookmark but it doesnt work the way you expect.
* Security problem Ajax code is visible to everyone you need tobe validat data coming from browers.
* I heard it might not work properly in slow internet speed.

Difference between true & false
when we call open() method of XMLHttpRequest object it takes third parameter either true or false.
false tells  XMLHttpRequest object to wait until request is completed before executing the next statement.
It is ok when request or application is simple but is request is long then application hang or stop.

True tells that continue the execution after the request to the server has been sent. With this you cant sure about response from server so that you have to use onreadystatechange property.

I heard about AJAX is differnt technologies can communicate.
AJAX is easy to learn it is not new language it is based on existing standard. check w3schools for more details.....


Monday, July 19, 2010


extensible Markup Language designed to transport & store data. XML document contains plain text wrapped in tags. It is like a plane text file with .xml extension.HTML & XML are totally differnt html is designed how to display data & xml how to stor data. XML seperates data from HTML.I most liked xml defination is "It is software & hardware independenet tool for carring information". Xml's advantages are it greatly simplifies data sharing, data transport, increases data availablity. Dont confuse xml with database. xml comes in the picture when data is not so complex, not large but plain text file are not enough to handle then you can go for xml.

Syntax Rules
-All XML elements must be closed.
-All xml elements must ne properly nested.
-Attribute values must be quoted.
-XML elements are case sensitive.

XML Parser
To manipulate xml document we need xml parser.xml parser reads xml document & covert it into the XML DOM object that can easily accessed with javascript. Most of the browsers have built-in xml parser.There are two types of xml parser tree-based & event-based. Event-based parser is faster than tree-based.

How to load xml document
- First get xmlHTTPReqest object
- open request
- send request to the server
- get respose from server

<script type="text/javascrit">
xhtttp = new XMLHttpRequest; // mozilla
xhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); // IE
xmldoc = xhttp.resposnseXML;

document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("nameof tag in xmlfile")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;

Document Object Model defines a standard way for accessing & manipulating xml document. It provied all functions to create, delete, update xml elements.

PHP XML Parser
To manipulate xml document in php there are three ways to Expat Parser, SimpleXML Parser & XML DOM.
Expat is event-based parser & faster because it focus on the content of the document not its structure.

SimpleXML Parser is easy way to read change delete xml elements but when you want to deal advance xml then you have to decide other parser.
$xml = simplexml_load_file("Filename.xml");
echo $xml->asXML;
$xmldom = new domDocument;

Monday, July 5, 2010

Regular Expression

Solves a big problem in javascript specially because in javascript there are no built-in functions
for form validation. Then Regular Expression comes to help you. Main theme is when you want to check
a certain type of pattern say finding only digits or valid email address, then you have to write a
pattern in which all that condition must satisfy. you can check any pattern like validating email ID,
phone nos, credit cards nos, text, numbers. I thing regular expression used in many languages like java,
php, ruby, perl & more.
For more details "& example go to

Thursday, July 1, 2010


It is used to set the focus on the HTML object when user uses tab key. When user pressed tab key then by default it starts from the top, but we want when user press tab key then focus must be given to particular text, buttton, link etc. Then use tabindex property.
&lt; input type="text" id="user" tabindex="1" />

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cascading Style Sheet Cascade

If you want to make sure a particual property must be fixed to a html tag, you nees add the !important property to the declaration.
 for e.g. P tag with color red is declared & dont want to change this color property at ant way. Then go for !imprtant
color : red !important
By this way prevent properties from changing value
color : blue;
&lt;p style="color : red">
Both above declaration cannot affect red color of the p tag


Monday, June 28, 2010

Posting blog via email

I am trying to post this blog by email. Lets see what happens

Wow This is posted.
Google tussi great ho

Auto Refreshing Web Page

I want to see cricket match score on yahoo, i just logged on cricket page. I get what i want, but one thing i notice the page is refreshed after certain seconds. I was just thinking that how it has done. Finally i got my answer which is very simple.

<META http-equiv="REFRESH" content="5";>

Just including this tag in head section of html page, page will auto redirected after every 5 seconds.

<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;URL='filename.mp3'" >
By this way u can run background music. Instead of that i suggest use embed tag. Using embed tag we can run video files also.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Drupal - Best Content Management System

I think drupal is better CMS than other like joomla. Drupal is very user friendly cms, it has many contributed modules(daily). With the help of this we can make a pwoerful website in a day. With adding new modules we can add more functionality to our site. & for this its not necessary to have good programming knowledge. Its open source free ware & what u expect yaar every thing is free...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

If you feel diffcult to type in hindi or marathi like me then a site can help you.
Visit this site select language & type in english. Suppose if you want to write " kasa aahes" in marathi then type like this in editor & u can save this text file.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

XHTML - stricter & cleaner


Stands for Extensible Hypertext Markup Language.It is combination of html & xml. We can say it is stricter & cleaner version of html. It is W3C recommendation. All browsers support xhtml.

There are wide range of browsers available in market. Some browsers runs on computer, some on small devices like pda, moblie phones. These small devices do not have the power to interpret bad markup language. If you write a web page in xhtml it is ensure that it runs in all browsers. So go for xhtml insead of old html.

Difference between html & xhtml

* XHTML elements must be properly nested
* XHTML elements must always be closed
* XHTML elements must be in lowercase
* XHTML documents must have one root element

* Attribute names must be in lower case
* Attribute values must be quoted
* Attribute minimization is forbidden
* The id attribute replaces the name attribute
* The XHTML DTD defines mandatory elements

Friday, April 30, 2010


Is the most popular scripting language used for
- Detects visitors browsers
- Form validation
- Add interactivity
-Set cookies
but most important i liked about jscript is it reduces server load.

To deal with those browsers who does not support javascript, write your jscript code in <-- tags//--> or use noscript tags.
When you want to call function from external jscript then first include that script file write another script tag in this tag you can call that function. You cant call function in first script tag.

Monday, March 1, 2010


This html tag should appear at the top of every valid html document.This tag tells the browser that what version of
html used to write html document.

Types od this type are as follows:

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//w3c// DTD html 4.01 //EN" ""
// This type of DTD includes all html elements & attributes but not deprecated elements & frameset are not allowed

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//w3c// DTD Transitional html 4.01//EN" "/"
//This is DTD includes all html elements & attributes even deprecated elements but not framesets

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//w3c// Frameset 4.01//EN" ""
// It contains all elements & attributes even deprecated & frameset also allowed

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" " - strict.dtd"
// It is like strict & markup must also be written as well-formed XML

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" " - transitional.dtd"
// It is like transtional & markup must also be written as well-formed XML

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" " - frameset.dtd"
// It is like framset & markup must also be written as well-formed XML

Saturday, February 27, 2010


JUMI is the plugin used to add php code in joomla.For this first we have to install jumi & it is not bulit-in in joomla.
But one thing in joomla to boring when we want to work on several sites for each site we have to install joomla. However this is not case of Drupal.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Screens for CRM-SPA Project

I have created some screens for project. I have created my own webpages for this project.